I went from weighing 235lbs down to 160lbs in less than one year! My transformation story is below.

There was a time in my life when it felt almost impossible to get out of bed in the morning. Chronic neck and back pain and inflammation in my knees and hands lead to daily use of over-the-counter pain medication.

By the end of each work day I would switch from Advil to alcohol, consuming an average of 8 to 12 beers every night all in an effort to stay numb. Then, I would wake up in the morning feeling like garbage and start the cycle all over again. 

I regularly got to the point where I no longer recognized the person I saw in the mirror. In those moments, I would commit to getting back into shape; I would cut out alcohol and junk food and start going to the gym again. But, after a few weeks of genuine effort and starving myself with whichever new fad diet I had found, I would usually end up injured, depressed and often heavier than when I began. And I continued like this for many years.

By January 2018, at the age of 38, I had ballooned to more than 230 pounds and I was feeling absolutely hopeless in my desire to look and feel better. Everything changed for me when a major back injury left me bed-ridden and unable to walk for weeks. As I lay in bed, all I could think about was my lifelong dream of becoming a father and how it seemed to be getting further and further away from me. How could I take care of a family, when my own life was falling apart?

This, was my rock bottom. I decided I needed to make a change once and for all. As soon as my back allowed it, I began moving my body. I started simply by incorporating daily walks into my lunch breaks. On weekends, I got out into nature. And in my spare time I began to educate myself on proper nutrition and ways to manage my stress. I created a discipline within myself that I never knew was possible. And from it all, I created the life I always desired. 

Now, almost 7 years later, I can honestly say, I am living the life of my dreams. I am stronger and more confident than ever. I am a proud father of two, married to love of my life. I am focused and driven and I have an abundance of energy. Every day, I get to show up in the best way possible for my family, and I get to do this, without having to limit what I eat, or drink. 

In 2024, I took the last major step in my own personal transformation. I left my corporate job, and became a certified personal trainer and health coach. Which has led me here. I am a leader on a mission to guide each of my clients on their own personal journey. It is my deepest desire to share all of what I know, with everyone I meet. 

Having lived through what I have, I am confident that I have what it takes to be a compassionate ear, an understanding coach and most of all, a pillar of strength when you need it most.  

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I look forward to hearing yours and how I can help you begin your own journey towards health empowerment and a total body transformation.
Adam Tanner - Founder of Noble Wellness

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The first step in your transformation is booking a free consultation. Within the consult we will discuss your short and long term goals, availability, budget and current level of fitness. Don’t wait - you deserve to look and feel your best!